Meet Francine.

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I know I told you all I was going to use I am Audacious to introduce you to all of the new friends I have made here at school, but you see, I couldn't help but share this little friend of mine with you, even though I've known her before college... As a matter of fact, this friend of mine (along with a few others) will be coming down to Arizona on Thursday to spend Halloween and Homecoming with me here at ASU, and it's all I've been able to think about since they have first booked their tickets. 

So please, let me introduce to you my other half, my best friend, Francine.

(Please spare with me on the amount of photos, there are just too many good ones to share)

This is Francine.
Sporting of her more infamous outfits
Franny getting into her Sun Devil Spirit
Showing her love and appreciation for the fried foods of America

So that being said, let me tell you a bit more about Francine.

  • Her name is Francine but goes by Franny.
  • If you spell her name with an ie (Frannie) she won't mind but it drives me absolutely crazy.
  • She's been a gymnast longer than she's known how to spell her name.
  • She is the procrastination queen.
  • She cannot finish her day without a bowl of ice cream, and I'm not joking on this. She literally has ice cream every single day.
  • One day in 6th grade I had said "What the poppin' toaster?!" when expressing disbelief, the next day Franny came to school with a homemade shirt, covered in puffy paint and "WHAT THE POPPIN' TOASTER" on it. When asked what the occasion was for making the shirt, she responded with "was bored."
  • She once convinced me she had a half brother who lived in the Dominican Republic, which of course, is false.
  • She does however, have a sister name Sylvia who is two years older than her, looks like the identical twin to Franny (but don't tell them they look alike, they will scoff and argue that you're wrong).
  • Sylvia and Franny have always been and always will the best friends of each.
  • Franny's favorite holiday is Christmas.
  • During the holiday season, she will only listen to Christmas music, and she knows the words to all of the songs.
  • In 4th grade, during Presidential fitness testing in gym class, Franny went above and beyond, beating all the boys, and did a total of 50 pull-ups.
  • Franny and I have gotten quite good at annoying each other, but we have never had a sincere "fight".
  • She is 75% Swedish and 25% Norwegian.
  • She is missing the top chunk of her ring finger, but she has a great plastic surgeon whom she recommends.
  • She is not only the weirdest person I have ever met, but the funniest.
  • My junior year of high school, Franny ruined our school's Harlem Shake video.
  • I know her Dairy Queen order off the back of my hand.
  • On my last day back home before flying out to Arizona, she tried to be all cute and sweet and treat me to an egg roll from my favorite Vietnamese restaurant, only to have her card declined, therefore I ended up treating us. The thought that counts though, right?
  • She drives a big white van. Not a minivan, a VAN van. We call it the Great White.
  • We have much more ugly embarrassing photos together than cute ones.
  • Since meeting in 6th grade, we have been known for having hour long conversations actually talking about many different things during that time. We still have these conversations today.
  • She's backpacking across Europe this summer!!
  • She doesn't show emotion very often, but she always knows what to say to comfort me.
  • She is one of the best list makers I know.
  • She once refused to talk to me at school one day until I responded to the note she wrote to me in crayon.
  • She was one of the only seniors on our high school's JV tennis team, but then again, so was I.
  • She loves warm weather, ocean, and sunshine like no other.
  • She is the only person in the universe that my cat shows affection towards.
  • This list could go on for a decade, but I will stop here.
These past months have been incredibly hard on the two of us, especially since we haven't gone that long without seeing each other since we have met. So excuse me for getting soppy for a moment but I think it's very relieving and comforting knowing I will always have her around regardless of distance and timezones. Now please enjoy some photos I have put together that only scratch the surface of the weirdness that is Francine.

Some evening stretches on the hood of my car
The one night she transformed into a Sarasota Surf Boy
And the other night she spend in the hospital after getting her finger chopped off
Francine as Kanye West and Audrey as Kendrick Lamar
And here is a prime example of me annoying her. (If you are wondering what is happening in this video, I was filming her picking up firewood for our campfire when a bug flew onto her face. I hesitated getting the bug at first and thought about filming it instead but then finally decided to smack her face to kill it. Good friend, right?)


Now I guess I shall also show some photos of the rare occasions Francine and I are "cute"...

So there you have it, my best friend. I really hope you all find your "Franny", I'm just lucky enough to have met my "Franny" already.

And if you are reading this Francine, I will see you and Christina on Thursday.
