How to: "'Merica" (with photos)
It's that time of the year again folks, good old Freedom's birthday.Exactly 238 years ago today, the United States of America was founded by our founding fathers (shout out to the homies George and Benji) and the rest is history. Anyway, this is one of my favorites because it has our nation all celebrating together! Plus it's in the midst of summer so what's not to love?
This post is for everyone out there who would like to celebrate the 4th of July, but doesn't know how to. Don't worry, I will help you out with "Audrey's guide on how to 'Merica".
Step 1: Head to your local thrift store to find some patriotic clothing.
Step 2: Adjust the clothes to your likings to ensure you have the most 'Merica outfit of them all! (tip: the more flags, the better)
Extra Credit: if you're really exceptionally patriot and want to raise the bar, I suggest dressing as our Founding Fathers.

Step 3: Paint your nails patriot colors. If you aren't sure what colors to do, I suggest red, white and blue.
Step 4: Listen to a 'Merica playlist to get you in the celebrating mood. I've been listening to this "Americana Mix" posted on 8-tracks by michaelfield20!
Americana Mix from michaelfield20 on 8tracks Radio.
Step 5: Have a toast for our Founding Fathers.
Step 6: Treat yourself to a Bomb Pop, America insists.
Step 7: Finish the night listening to every version of the Star Spangled Banner while watching fireworks and lighting sparklers. This one below is a favorite.
Follow these steps and you are bound to have a great holiday.
How am I spending my fourth? I actually spend the majority of mine at Brits Pub watching the Germany vs. France game but I will get all 'Merica-ed out tonight for fireworks and the lake cabin this weekend. Have a fun and safe 4th of July everybody!