When in Zihuatanejo..

10:37 AM Unknown 0 Comments

As you may or may not know, my family and I decided to take a vacation this Spring to the lovely fisherman town of Zihuatanejo (famous from the Shawshank Redemption, which would explain the Shawshank themed restaurants outside our hotel). Zihuatanejo is located right on the Pacific ocean near the equator.  Joining us on this trip included myself, my mother, my father, my grandmother, my brother, and his good friend Sam.

I would go on and on explaining about how wonderful the food was, how lovely our hotel was, how nice the ocean felt, etc. But I think pictures and videos will do the best justice? So please, enjoy. I can't there is a single person I would not suggest visit this place.. My family is already planning our next trip there in February and are inviting anything that moves to come with us.

Enjoy my professional film-making skills. As you can see, I clearly know what I'm doing... *Be sure to watch in HD!*

Flying in to Zihua

At the top of this hill lies the Hotel Irma

The view from the pool (which we didn't swim in too often)

Walking through the outdoor hallways of the Irma

Hotel room view with a "naturally" heated hot tub

Another room view

Valeria's - a favorite

Coconut shrimp on coconut shrimp on coconut shrimp

One of my favorite details of Zihuatanejo

Playa Las Gatas

Favorite shop

Local church

Lil amigo


One last sunset before going home :'(

Well.... Have I convinced you to go yet?

